Thursday, June 14, 2007

Workout With alli Diet Plan

As you now know from reading information at this blog that the alli diet plan is very effective if used properly. Alli will do wonders and help you lose weight faster than just going it alone. We have decided to put some easy workout tips up here on the blog to make you day and workouts a little easier. Keep in mind any change in routine including your physical fitness should be evaluated by a physician before starting. The tips here are merely suggestions to help you get started with simple fitness while taking alli.

Daily Routine
5 Minutes of stretching

15 Minutes of Light Aerobics
(jumping jacks if physically able) Otherwise fast paces walking or medium paced jogging.

10 Situps and pushups. If you can't do pushups or situps try to at least flex the muscles in those areas.

Finish with 5 more minutes of stretching

Rest as much as you need when you are first getting back into a workout routine. This is just a beginners 30 minutes light workout to get you body back into routine. As you increase or even before you start ask you family physician for a more personalized plan for your body as this will allow alli to work for you properly.

If you would like to do a light band workout you might also consider trying power bands to help shape and tone your body, you can click the Icon Below.

If just starting a work out start with the light rips cords bands and then work your way up. Eventually you'll tone wel and move to higher cord strengths click the icon to read more about this affordable shape and tone workout tool.

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